
All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

Источник: SCREW_Staff

@темы: images


All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto
Сегодня в продажу поступит журнал Shoxx Vol.237.
В этом номере Screw дают интервью о XANADU и своём дебюте.

А вчера Казуки и Бё давали интервью о ХANADU Vif Music.


@темы: news/info, images

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

Вопрос: Что случилось с Руи? Почему у него повязка на глазу?

читать дальше

Вопрос: Выздоравливай, Руи!
1. *лучи любви Руи* 
10  (100%)
Всего:   10

@темы: rui, news/info, images

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

@темы: jin, images

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

Вопрос: Ждём-ждём выхода журнала?
1. Ждём! :3 
7  (100%)
Всего:   7

@темы: rui, byou, jin, kazuki, manabu, images


All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

@темы: rui, byou, images

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

@темы: you-tube


All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto
All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto
Картинки кликабельны.
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket



All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto
XANADU -это первый дебютный альбом SCREW в качестве мейджоров, который выйдет 17 Октября в трёх разных вариация:



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@темы: news/info


All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

Все изображения увеличиваются по клику.
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@темы: rui, byou, jin, kazuki, manabu, images

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto
All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

В сеть внезапно просочился клип, правда ссылку на видео уже удалили, но скачать его все ещё можно, ежели пройти сюда.
Все спасибы whippednipple.

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto
All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

@темы: images

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto
Новость номер раз: Согласно записи в блоге Казуки на передаче Nico Nico Yatte Mita группа собирается впервые показать PV сингла XANADU.

Новость номер два: Джин и Рёга (BORN) будут учавстовать в PSP 1800. Это специальный проект от PSC и ORICON WEB. Это интервью длинной в 1800 секунд и такое интервью будет у каждого из музыкантов PSC.

@темы: jin, news/info

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto
Сентябрь 06, 2012

[Радио] SCREW RADIO @ 21:00 (JST)

Сентябрь 10, 2012

[Журнал] Vijuttoke Vol. 13 @ Интервью

Сентябрь 12, 2012

[Съемки] Nico Nico Yatte Mita #3 @ 22:00~23:00 (JST)

Сентябрь 14, 2012

[Журнал] CD&DL Data @ Фотосессия + Интервью

Сентябрь 21, 2012

[Журнал] SHOXX @ Интервью о дебюте в качестве мейджоров и XANADU

Сентябрь 27, 2012

[Жунал] B-PASS @ Фотосессия

Сентябрь 28, 2012

[Мероприятие] TRIBAL ARIVALL TOUR 2012 Vol.112 @ Takasaki club FLEEZ

Сентябрь 29, 2012

[Журнал] ROCK AND READ eyes 002

@темы: news/info

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto
Дата эфира: 2012/09/12 @ 22:00~23:00 (JST)
Место эфира: Nico Nico

@темы: news/info

All people live relying on their knowledge and understanding, and so are bound to them. They call it "reality" © Masashi Kishimoto

Я жду.
Кого-то, кто приедет и заменит подушку.

@темы: rui, blog